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I'm now working out the goddesses torso. Since this is a more realistic piece than it is graphic, I want to be a little more realistic with my colors. To do this I pay more attention to lifelike colors. For example, areas that aren't in the light are picking up a lot of reflected color from the stuff around her making parts of her more gray or blue or green. Also, her own skin tone varries between reds and oranges.
Now I'm starting to flesh out the background a bit more. I wanted to get the fire looking pretty accurate as well, so I looked up some images of forest fires on the internet. Of course, this isn't a forest, but I can still see the way that flames and smoke behave from the images.
Here I am starting to put in a foreground. I made a mistake by not fully figuring this out in my line drawing. I'm just gonig to wing it as I go. I'm also working on some of the armor and making it look like scratched and dirty metal.
In this image I have begun smoothing out the fire and the smoke. You will also notice that I've taken down the brightness of the fire considerably compared to a few steps ago. This is because the bright orange is really competing for attention with the more important elements of the image. As much as I liked the fire, it isn't as important as the main figures.
Now I'm really starting to fine tune details and finish off parts that I haven't touched. All of this is being done on the layers above the lines. Of course, if I had wanted to leave the line drawing showing, I would have done this below that layer. Actually, I could just drag the layer down if I really wanted to.

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Copyright © 2004 Jason Chan All rights reserved.